Saturday, August 06, 2005

Going to the movies...

Does Hollywood really want to know why nobody goes to the movies anymore? Well, it has to do with a combination of things. One, the tickets are TOO fucking expensive!! SIX BUCKS for a matinee? You've got to be fucking kidding me. You can buy a DVD of that same movie for 12-15 bucks just a few months later. Why should we waste the money on it now?? Stop raising prices, maybe more people will come back. TWO, most movies aren't that great. I don't know how many times I've gone to a movie and figured out who is gonna "hook up", who is gonna be the "bad guy" and who is gonna "die". Come up with something original, for once.

And, last but not least, THE MORONS in the audience. I do not pay six bucks so you can talk during the movie to your friends, or to hear you munch on your vat of popcorn. And this goes back to crappy parents, too. SHUT YOUR FUCKING KID UP!! You should be able to control those little creeps. I seriously would like to strangle every annoying kid that yells at the top of their voice "Where did he go, Daddy?" or "I want more popcorn." Gah, I wanna kill those little bastards. If I did that when I was young, you have every right to shoot me. Mother fuckers.

This is why I no longer go to movies!! Netflix allows me to enjoy the movie free from morons. I don't have to wonder what line everyone has laughed on... or arrive 30 minutes early so I can get the best seat.


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